The Dirty Water Dilemma
“We’re Swimming in sh*t” was stated to indicate the massive amount of pollution in the oceans. We dive into the threads of sewage and chemical pollution to understand the challenges facing our waterways today.
“We’re Swimming in sh*t” was stated to indicate the massive amount of pollution in the oceans. We dive into the threads of sewage and chemical pollution to understand the challenges facing our waterways today.
The far-right victory of Dutch populist Geert Wilders fits into the growing right-wing sentiment in Europe. GreenMarked explored the implications of this election result for sustainability in the Netherlands.
The Louisiana red crayfish is an aggressive invasive species introduced by humans worldwide. Northern Italy is now facing its increasing spread and an outbreak of crayfish plague that has the potential to cause the extinction of the native species.
Brazil is grappling with heatwaves and water scarcity in the Northern region, where the Caatinga ecosystem is undergoing desertification. Climate action and water management strategies are urgently needed.
2011: an earthquake and a tsunami provoked a nuclear accident in Japan. To cool down the reactor was used seawater.
2023: that seawater is now coming back to the ocean. Is it safe for humans, flora and fauna?
The Glacier Caravan, now in its fourth edition, ended recently. We will retrace the 6 stages through as many satellite images of each glacier, allowing everyone to see how dramatic the situation is with each passing year.
Nothing new on the forestry front! Hydrogeological safety technologies still pick up from the past. Time changes, but the people’s needs remain unchanged. Will we know how to do better than our ancestors?
Discover Amazon’s riverside communities. Explore their lifestyle, challenges, and the impact of environmental disasters. Dive into a story of resilience and connections with rivers: meet the Ribeirinhos.
Low water levels in lakes and reduced discharge rates in rivers, low precipitation rates and thinner glaciers. This is and will be the new normality for Trentino’s waters.
Desalination by reverse osmosis is the most common method of obtaining potable water from the sea. Already widely used in the Middle East, the Pacific Countries, America and even Europe, it ensures water security in many countries. However, it is too early to call this method “what will save us from global water shortage” because it is still too energy inefficient.
Caiçara people are the guardians of Brazil’s coastal heritage. Their deep connection to water, their culture and way of life is threatened by urgent environmental challenges.
Southern Europe countries, like Spain, are sensitive to drought, which is an impending threat due to global warming. Wetlands are even more sensitive and key for biodiversity and human life. What can we do to protect them?
The Netherlands is renowned for its water management. Drinking water flows from the tap, but not for long if no immediate action is taken. What is happening in the water country per excellence?
Eurac Research launched ADO, a drought observatory capable of monitoring precipitation and water shortages all over the Alps.
The severe winter drought left most of Italy with critically low levels of water. Yet, for most Italians droughts are still seen as a temporary problem.
In the Chiquitanía (Bolivia), rivers, streams and lakes are disappearing because of water depleting and polluting farming practices at the expense of downstream local communities.
This year’s exceptional drought caused such a dramatic reduction of groundwater levels that it will be hard to recover. Water scarcity might become a real issue also in Germany and the Netherlands.
A solution to fight severe droughts and water shortages might come from a Dutch Artist: SunGlacier, the first water multiplier that uses the sun to make ice and water.
How much water do we use every day? Understanding how we use water is crucial to tackle the water crisis and sustain the freshwater demand of all beings.
Although Dutch people have excelled their ability to live below the sea level, their sea defense system may not be enough to contrast the growing sea level caused by the climate crisis.
Even though it is still poorly known in Europe, agroecology can be further implemented with modern and traditional farming practices to improve Trentino’s water management.
Looking back at last summer’s dramatic floods in Central Europe, it is clear that natural disasters linked to the climate crisis are no longer events of only Mediterranean regions.
Due to farming products, the Adige river and many water courses in Val di Non have recorded exceedances of the admissible contamination thresholds.
In 2012, he had the idea to clean up the plastic waste of the oceans. In 2017, his idea gathered more than 31M$. Read the business review of The Ocean Cleanup case study.