Balancing Agriculture and Sustainability in the EU
The European Union (EU) stands at a crucial crossroads as it seeks to balance agriculture and food supply with sustainability and environmental preservation. What are the challenges?
The European Union (EU) stands at a crucial crossroads as it seeks to balance agriculture and food supply with sustainability and environmental preservation. What are the challenges?
We have been seeing several strikes coming from the countryside lately. What are their claims, how and to what they can affect, and which are the possible solutions?
Behind the EU’s ambitious 2040 climate targets lurks a controversial omission of agricultural emissions and a heavy reliance on unproven carbon capture and storage technologies.
Southern Europe countries, like Spain, are sensitive to drought, which is an impending threat due to global warming. Wetlands are even more sensitive and key for biodiversity and human life. What can we do to protect them?
The energy crisis halts milk and cheese production in mountain areas. State incentives for “multifunctional” farms can be effective against the ups and downs of the market and consumer demands.
Agritourism is a symbol of Trentino, and it can help contrast the depopulation of mountain areas and the abandonment of agricultural activities.
As the final round of the Brazilian presidential election approaches, we hereby review some key events of Jair Bolsonaro’s past environmental agenda.
Avian influenza has struck nearly 50 million farm birds and more than 3500 wild animals all over Europe. The risk of transmission to other species is low, but intensive farming offers the perfect condition for spreading the virus.
The high unemployment and the pandemic have led many Brazilians to a condition of food vulnerability. To tackle the hunger crisis, agroecological farmers like Ana Bovoy in São Paulo created a net of food distribution initiatives all over the country.
Diseases, plant products overuse, and adverse weather conditions are threatening honey bees. How did Trentino’s beekeeping industry reinvent itself to tackle the hard times?
The African Swine Fewer arrived in Italy at the beginning of the year, presumably from imported pork meat. This new outbreak confirms an indirect effect of our unsustainable lifestyle.
Besides devastating extensive monocultures, can the Netherlands hope for a future-proof agriculture?
Even though it is still poorly known in Europe, agroecology can be further implemented with modern and traditional farming practices to improve Trentino’s water management.
The referendum to establish a provincial organic district in Trentino was rejected but it shows that more than 65,000 Trentino citizens want a more sustainable type of agriculture.
Two days from referendum day, which political party has openly sided for and against the provincial organic district in Trentino?
Due to farming products, the Adige river and many water courses in Val di Non have recorded exceedances of the admissible contamination thresholds.
The high use of water-contaminating synthetic fertilizers and plant protection products, zero-biodiversity policy within the farmland are still the core values of the farming business in Trentino.
A vineyard or an apple orchard are not just agroindustrial areas to exploit for food production or the livelihood and profits of farmers. They are multifunctional agroecosystems that affect the quality of life and health local citizens.
Adding more nature onto industrialized farm fields and more green areas within cemented cities can help local biodiversity. Green buffer and transition zones are a good example.
Corrupted project collaborations between environmental NGOs, governments and fossil fuel corporations and agribusiness enterprises can tamper meaningful climate policies and secure business-as-usual profits.