Drinking Water from the Sea: the World’s Next Edge?

Desalination by reverse osmosis is the most common method of obtaining potable water from the sea. Already widely used in the Middle East, the Pacific Countries, America and even Europe, it ensures water security in many countries. However, it is too early to call this method “what will save us from global water shortage” because it is still too energy inefficient.

Amici di Madre Terra - La Fratellanza di Francesco

Social Friendship heals the limits of modern individualism. Pope Francis shows us a new world, a new diet of existence, a new way of life that embraces the horizon of a mankid that is friendly to its neighbor. The closest neighbor is indeed Planet Earth, of which we are an integral part. How can we make this evolutionary leap? The Encyclical “Brothers All” gives us enlightening advice that we will explore, at least in part.

La Dona perde il suo Omo: Sicurezza Idrogeologica in Veneto e Trentino

Cedono due pinnacoli iconici sul confine tra Veneto e Trentino dopo una settimana di temporali. Occorrono finanziamenti e conoscenze tecniche per prevenire il rischio idrogeologico e scelte strategiche per guidare al meglio il corso della natura.

Caiçara People: Guardians of Brazil’s Coastal Heritage

Caiçara people are the guardians of Brazil’s coastal heritage. Their deep connection to water, their culture and way of life is threatened by urgent environmental challenges.