
A World of Plastic: Soon to an End?

8 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans every year. However, scientists say it is possible to slash 80% of that pollution by reducing the growth of production, improving waste collection, and investing in recyclables.

The Dirty Water Dilemma

“We’re Swimming in sh*t” was stated to indicate the massive amount of pollution in the oceans. We dive into the threads of sewage and chemical pollution to understand the challenges facing our waterways today.

Green Energy: definitive solution or band-aid?

With the Renewable Energy Directive, the Spanish government proposed to abolish the need of Environmental Impact Assessment for “Green Energy facilities”.

The “Invisible” pollution in the building and construction industry

Construction sites are an important source of plastic pollution in urban areas. Plastic fences and packaging materials can be subject to weathering and pollute the environment.

Eco-Battles: The TurmOIL Army

Trentino and its farming sector. Time to return the favor for cleaner water courses

Due to farming products, the Adige river and many water courses in Val di Non have recorded exceedances of the admissible contamination thresholds.

Healthier agroecosystems for the whole community

A vineyard or an apple orchard are not just agroindustrial areas to exploit for food production or the livelihood and profits of farmers. They are multifunctional agroecosystems that affect the quality of life and health local citizens.

Stop alle microplastiche dalla nostra lavatrice!

The Loneliness of Face Masks

Face masks against Covid-19 must be used to protect the public health. Yet they can threaten the health of oceans and drylands if littered.

A case study on the success of The Ocean Cleanup

In 2012, he had the idea to clean up the plastic waste of the oceans. In 2017, his idea gathered more than 31M$. Read the business review of The Ocean Cleanup case study.