
Friends of Mother Earth the Brotherhood of Francis

Social Friendship heals the limits of modern individualism. Pope Francis shows us a new world, a new diet of existence, a new way of life that embraces the horizon of a mankid that is friendly to its neighbor. The closest neighbor is indeed Planet Earth, of which we are an integral part. How can we make this evolutionary leap? The Encyclical “Brothers All” gives us enlightening advice that we will explore, at least in part.

A Pinnacle Crumbles in the Alps: Hydrogeological Safety in Veneto and Trentino

Two iconic pinnacles on the Veneto-Trentino border give way after a week of thunderstorms. Funding and technical knowledge are needed to prevent hydrogeological risk and strategic choices are needed to best guide the course of nature.

The Energy Crisis is Pressuring Dairy Farms in Trentino and Veneto. What is the State of the Art?

The energy crisis halts milk and cheese production in mountain areas. State incentives for “multifunctional” farms can be effective against the ups and downs of the market and consumer demands.

Italy’s Wood to Fight against the Energy Crisis: Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Thanks to its well-developed forestry sector, Italy can use its wood-energy industry to tackle today’s energy and economic crisis and pave the path towards a true “Forest Sovereignty”.

Even Plants Climb Mountains

How do plants travel? And how much is climate change contributing to their migrations?

The environmental and cultural importance of species-rich mountain meadows and their ecological restoration

Meadows are a high-value element of the mountain landscape. Their conservation and restoration, however, requires a lot of maintenance, preservation, and protection.

Agroecology to fight back Alpine pastures abandonment

When it comes to mountain and rural areas abandonment, modern agroecology might be the solution to restore those landscapes that have been managed for centuries.

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