
2023: A Year to Strengthen our Socio-Environmental Activities!

An overview of our 2023: an industrious year that strengthened us and added momentum to our social-environmental activities.

Born in 2022. Officially Building Up our Environmental Organization

With the birth of ECONTROVERTIA APS, the GreenMarked platform and Social Media Detox moved to a whole new level. Have a look at our accomplishments in 2022 and get your 2023 membership card!

Who stands for the organic district referendum?

Two days from referendum day, which political party has openly sided for and against the provincial organic district in Trentino?

Royal Dutch Shell forced to drastically reduce CO₂ emissions

Shell lost the trial against Friends of the Earth – Netherlands and will have to drop their CO2 emissions by 45 % by the end of 2030. For the second time, a Dutch Jury has charged an oil company for climate responsibility.

The Interest of Fossil Fuel Corporations and Agribusiness Enterprises in Climate Policies

Corrupted project collaborations between environmental NGOs, governments and fossil fuel corporations and agribusiness enterprises can tamper meaningful climate policies and secure business-as-usual profits.

Ecologisti incoronati

Environmental NGOs’ dilemma