
The Unbearable Weight of the Fishing Industry

The EU aims to regulate fishing, ending illegal activities and promoting sustainability. Bottom trawling and aquaculture damage marine ecosystems and local communities, calling into question the viability of aquaculture as a green solution.

The High Seas Treaty: Protecting Oceans’ Biodiversity

Deep seawater ecosystems are under several threats, with the inconvenience that the management of those areas does not belong to any country. How do we deal with this, and what are those menaces?

En Route To Sustainability

Sailing is embracing environmental sustainability, aiming to reduce its environmental impact and promote environmentally friendly practices with a focus on pollution reduction and marine biodiversity protection.

The Dirty Water Dilemma

“We’re Swimming in sh*t” was stated to indicate the massive amount of pollution in the oceans. We dive into the threads of sewage and chemical pollution to understand the challenges facing our waterways today.

12 Years Later: the Ghost of Fukushima’s Water

2011: an earthquake and a tsunami provoked a nuclear accident in Japan. To cool down the reactor was used seawater.
2023: that seawater is now coming back to the ocean. Is it safe for humans, flora and fauna?

A case study on the success of The Ocean Cleanup

In 2012, he had the idea to clean up the plastic waste of the oceans. In 2017, his idea gathered more than 31M$. Read the business review of The Ocean Cleanup case study.