
The Unbearable Weight of the Fishing Industry

The EU aims to regulate fishing, ending illegal activities and promoting sustainability. Bottom trawling and aquaculture damage marine ecosystems and local communities, calling into question the viability of aquaculture as a green solution.

En Route To Sustainability

Sailing is embracing environmental sustainability, aiming to reduce its environmental impact and promote environmentally friendly practices with a focus on pollution reduction and marine biodiversity protection.

12 Years Later: the Ghost of Fukushima’s Water

2011: an earthquake and a tsunami provoked a nuclear accident in Japan. To cool down the reactor was used seawater.
2023: that seawater is now coming back to the ocean. Is it safe for humans, flora and fauna?

Caiçara People: Guardians of Brazil’s Coastal Heritage

Caiçara people are the guardians of Brazil’s coastal heritage. Their deep connection to water, their culture and way of life is threatened by urgent environmental challenges.