
What are Companies’ Green Claims Built On?

You have most likely seen internationally renowned companies’ claims that their products are “carbon neutral”. But what are these green claims built on?

The EU Climate Agreement: Making the Polluter Pay

Towards a more ambitious European climate policy: To achieve a 55 % emission cut by 2030, the EU wants to make the polluter pay for its emissions.

A hungry game: climate change, COVID-19, and the Ukraine war

With the climate crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine the risk of a global food crisis has become very real.

War in Ukraine. What about the environment?

The environment is the silent casualty of war. What are the effects of the war in Ukraine on the environment?

Royal Dutch Shell forced to drastically reduce CO₂ emissions

Shell lost the trial against Friends of the Earth – Netherlands and will have to drop their CO2 emissions by 45 % by the end of 2030. For the second time, a Dutch Jury has charged an oil company for climate responsibility.

Climate Justice as a Human Right

The new frontier of environmentalism is making climate justice be recognized as a human right. Environmental NGOs are making transnational corporations liable for climate change damages.