Enhancing Alpine Landscapes

How can forests protect us from natural hazards in the Alps? Technical preventive solutions have been accompanied by biological measures related to careful silvicultural practices for decades.

Brazil’s Burning Beats

Brazil is grappling with heatwaves and water scarcity in the Northern region, where the Caatinga ecosystem is undergoing desertification. Climate action and water management strategies are urgently needed.

Losing Soil, Losing Opportunities. A Threat for Trentino

Soil loss in Italy is increasing, especially in Trentino close to cities and tourist areas. Green areas prevent this loss and provide benefits to the health of communities. It is time to reverse the trend.

Football World Cup and Massive Events’ Environmental Effects

Tres continentes y seis países para la 100ª Copa del Mundo. Será un acontecimiento sin emisiones. Dos afirmaciones que no van de la mano. Tenemos que remodelar los valores que enseña el deporte y añadir la sostenibilidad.

Dutch Cities to Hit 50 Degrees?

The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has released new climate scenarios that provide insight into what weather changes await the Netherlands in the coming decades as a result of climate change.