The Main Outcomes of COP 28

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) has taken place from November 30th to December 12th in Dubai. Here are some of the main points, important decisions, declarations, and outcomes.

Sustainability Implications of Dutch Far-right Victory

The far-right victory of Dutch populist Geert Wilders fits into the growing right-wing sentiment in Europe. GreenMarked explored the implications of this election result for sustainability in the Netherlands.

The Point of View of AI

Hello ChatGPT, can you write an essay of 500 words about the environmental impact of AI, by dividing it into an introduction, a main body and a conclusion?

The Alien Crayfish

The Louisiana red crayfish is an aggressive invasive species introduced by humans worldwide. Northern Italy is now facing its increasing spread and an outbreak of crayfish plague that has the potential to cause the extinction of the native species.