
Waste Management: State of the Art and Future Emergencies

Waste production is one of the main environmental pressures because of its many drivers and impacts. Waste reduction is a priority and it needs to focus on waste management and lower waste production.

The Time of Glyphosate

“But then, does glyphosate kill (as environmentalists say) or does glyphosate increase agricultural yields and ensure food globally (as farmers’ representatives say)?”

The Alien Crayfish

The Louisiana red crayfish is an aggressive invasive species introduced by humans worldwide. Northern Italy is now facing its increasing spread and an outbreak of crayfish plague that has the potential to cause the extinction of the native species.

Losing Soil, Losing Opportunities. A Threat for Trentino

Soil loss in Italy is increasing, especially in Trentino close to cities and tourist areas. Green areas prevent this loss and provide benefits to the health of communities. It is time to reverse the trend.

The Summer of Hail Storms in Northeastern Italy

Gigantic hailstones have repeatedly hit farm fields in northeastern Italy this summer. Will these extreme hailstorms become the “new normal” in Italy?

Water Emergency is the New Normal in Trentino

Low water levels in lakes and reduced discharge rates in rivers, low precipitation rates and thinner glaciers. This is and will be the new normality for Trentino’s waters.

Friends of Mother Earth the Brotherhood of Francis

Social Friendship heals the limits of modern individualism. Pope Francis shows us a new world, a new diet of existence, a new way of life that embraces the horizon of a mankid that is friendly to its neighbor. The closest neighbor is indeed Planet Earth, of which we are an integral part. How can we make this evolutionary leap? The Encyclical “Brothers All” gives us enlightening advice that we will explore, at least in part.

A Pinnacle Crumbles in the Alps: Hydrogeological Safety in Veneto and Trentino

Two iconic pinnacles on the Veneto-Trentino border give way after a week of thunderstorms. Funding and technical knowledge are needed to prevent hydrogeological risk and strategic choices are needed to best guide the course of nature.

Circular Economy: Waste as a Secondary Raw Material

The linear economy model is no longer sustainable. By fully applying the circular economy model, two startups from Trentino, Italy, show how waste materials can be treated and converted into resources for different industries.

The Bark Beetle: A Threat for Trentino’s Forests

Besides destroying extensive forested areas in North Italy in 2018, windstorm Vaia exposed forests to further threats. The surviving forests are now struggling against bark beetle attacks.

The Energy Crisis is Pressuring Dairy Farms in Trentino and Veneto. What is the State of the Art?

The energy crisis halts milk and cheese production in mountain areas. State incentives for “multifunctional” farms can be effective against the ups and downs of the market and consumer demands.

Agritourism in Trentino: Hospitality and Simplicity in the Mountains

Agritourism is a symbol of Trentino, and it can help contrast the depopulation of mountain areas and the abandonment of agricultural activities.

Protected Areas and Tourism for Trentino’s Sustainable Development

Thanks to an idea of a decade ago, sustainable tourism has enhanced the natural and cultural value of Trentino’s protected areas.

Italy’s Wood to Fight against the Energy Crisis: Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Thanks to its well-developed forestry sector, Italy can use its wood-energy industry to tackle today’s energy and economic crisis and pave the path towards a true “Forest Sovereignty”.

Even Plants Climb Mountains

How do plants travel? And how much is climate change contributing to their migrations?

The Provincial Environmental Energy Plan 2021-2030 of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Trentino has approved a cutting-edge Environmental Energy plan for 2021-2030, focusing on actions to save energy, increase the efficiency of homes and industries, and boost electricity generation from renewable sources.

Trentino’s Beefarming Reinvents Itself to Stay Ahead of the Hard Times

Diseases, plant products overuse, and adverse weather conditions are threatening honey bees. How did Trentino’s beekeeping industry reinvent itself to tackle the hard times?

A State-Of-The-Art Review of the Biomass Supply Chain in Trentino and Veneto

The EU has claimed that using biomass for energy purposes can cause too much pressure on local ecosystems. Is it really so also in Trentino and Veneto?

A participatory process for Trentino’s Sustainable Development

Thanks to a participatory process that involved citizens, students, experts, authorities, NGOs, and tourism agencies, Trentino became a cutting-edge province in terms of sustainable development.

Five Golden Threads – A roadmap to spread agroecology in Trentino

Five golden threads are the five steps we, as GreenMarked, have used to spread agroecology in Trentino. Looking back at the road we travelled, what do we still need to prosper?

Trentino Clima 2021-2023: Countermeasures to mitigate the climate crisis in Trentino

Providing the provincial administration with guidelines to contrast the climate crisis locally, the Trentino Clima 2021-2023 Plan is an excellent example of virtuous engagement between public and private bodies.

A school, windstorm Vaia and Alpine forests restoration

A tree planting activity in Trentino has taught secondary school students about extreme events, reforestation and the human impact on Alpine forests.

Agroecology for a better water management in Trentino

Even though it is still poorly known in Europe, agroecology can be further implemented with modern and traditional farming practices to improve Trentino’s water management.

A stakeholder analysis to spread agroecology in Trentino

A stakeholder analysis to launch our “Environmental Blogging Boost 4 Students” project to increase the spread of agroecological knowledge and know-hows in Trentino.

The Social Media Detox – A 2021 season review

A Dump of Recyclable Waste

Why does the “Ischia-Podetti” dump keep on growing despite all the effort of the people of Trentino to improve their home waste separation?

An organic district for the Province of Trento: rejected, but…

The referendum to establish a provincial organic district in Trentino was rejected but it shows that more than 65,000 Trentino citizens want a more sustainable type of agriculture.

Who stands for the organic district referendum?

Two days from referendum day, which political party has openly sided for and against the provincial organic district in Trentino?

Trentino and its farming sector. Time to return the favor for cleaner water courses

Due to farming products, the Adige river and many water courses in Val di Non have recorded exceedances of the admissible contamination thresholds.

Running in the usual direction

The high use of water-contaminating synthetic fertilizers and plant protection products, zero-biodiversity policy within the farmland are still the core values of the farming business in Trentino.

Healthier agroecosystems for the whole community

A vineyard or an apple orchard are not just agroindustrial areas to exploit for food production or the livelihood and profits of farmers. They are multifunctional agroecosystems that affect the quality of life and health local citizens.

Zero compensazione per la Zima Pù Bela

Bio-botta e risposta

“Na Granda Jaggianata”